Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekly Highlights

This week was a great week for recipes and crafts! Penelope and I made our very own homemade push this week! What is push you ask? When Penelope first started using play doh, she used all the molds and cutters that create various shapes. Since you had to push the cutters into the play doh, she got the idea that it was called push. Here is our push!

Here is our purple push cooking

Here is our purple push after kneading it

Here is a happy girl playing with her purple push

Naturally I found this play dough recipe on pinterest! It's from the AdelynStone blog and after looking over her blog, it looks like she has some other great recipes and diy tutorials that I might have to try out! We also tested out a new snack I pinned from pinterest called energy bites. Gimme Some Oven has really out done herself with these fabulous no bake little bites. These are REA-LLY ADDICTING!

No Bake Energy Bites

To celebrate Spring, Penelope created an Easter egg. I cut out an egg shape out of white construction paper and then gave her colorful decorations to choose from also cut from construction paper. You can see she was highly distressed by the overwhelming amount of choices! She didn't know where to begin!

She finally started her egg and I guess since she eat, breathes, and literally sleeps in BRIGHT pink (her bedroom is a lovely hue of pepto bismol pink!), I shouldn't be surprised that she used all the pink paper and didn't touch any of the blue. Silly girl!

Once she completed it, I was going to take a picture of her with her egg. However, she ran over to the fridge and pulled out the tape from the cabinet so I could display her beautiful artwork on the fridge.By the time I taped her egg to the fridge, I totally forgot about the picture. Gotta love mommy brain!

On another fun note, Penelope really enjoys playing outside in the evenings while I cook dinner. It's really convenient having three large windows in your kitchen that look out into your backyard. I keep the porch door open so I can hear Penelope play while Scarlett swings or plays in the exercauser. Scarlett and I listen to Pandora and depending on Miss Scarlett's mood, sometimes we listen to Rock A Bye Baby or if she isn't in the mood for that, we listen to some Miranda Lambert or John Mayer. The other night, after I put dinner in the oven, I went out to check on Penelope. This is what I captured!

Penelope buckled her baby into the wagon and was going for a ride with her. I LOVED it and ran inside to grab the camera. These are the moments that make me laugh out loud! I can not WAIT until Scarlett is older! They are going to have an amazing time together. And speaking of Scarlett, I started her on solids this week! I can't believe my little girl is eating solids!

I don't know where my little girl went but she's growing up way too fast! I'll be posting some of the great baby food recipes I use as we start this new segment of my little Scarlett's life. Thus far, she's enjoyed bananas, avocados, and cantaloupe. Not a fan of carrots but we're going to continue trying!
This week, we'll continue doing more Easter crafts, trying more solids, and hopefully, finishing up some projects I've been working on.

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