This is why I am in such a committed relationship with Pinterest. It costs me nothing to sit in front of the computer, pinning other people's bedrooms, furniture, and decor. It's window shopping in my pajamas. Who wouldn't love this?!
When my small budget exists, I try to stretch it as FAAAAAAAAAAAAR as it can go. I either purchase spray paint which can give something an entire new look, or do some thrift store shopping. Lately, I have had an obsession with various hues of blue. Navy blue, teal, robin egg's blue, turquoise, tiffany blue, just about any shade of blue you can think of, I love it!
I've recently had some dinero to buy spray paint and a new picture. I would love to lighten my living room up with a new fresh coat of white paint but hubby tells me that we have other rooms to paint before we repaint the living room. Although I hate to admit it, he is right. When plan A can't occur, go to plan B. In order to lighten the living room up, I choose to bring in white accessories. I've had an over sized black mirror sitting on my mantle for sometime and when I wanted to accessorize with white I knew it would be the first to go. I didn't want to completely get rid of it so I went to my trusty spray paint. I use rustoleum's spray paint in heirloom white which I like to keep on hand for any other thrift store finds that need quick facelift. I've used this spray paint on different vases, birdcages, and now my mirror!
Here are pictures of what the mirror looked like before and after.
Total cost to revamp my mirror, $4.25 and I still have some paint leftover.
Earlier this month, we found a few chairs and table (which I'm working on now!) on the side of the street. It was someone's leftover garage sale items and I suppose they were just going to throw them away. What a great find! I used krylon's catalina mist spray paint on this chair and distressed it. Unfortunately I didn't take a before picture but here is the newly spray painted trash to treasured chair!
Someone's trash is now my treasure!
Another free restyle I did was switching out comforters. Our guest room has a bed that is rarely used. I decided to steal the comforter from the guest room and use it in our master bedroom. A few weeks ago, I purchased a painting from a resale shop for $4.00. I was drawn to the picture and loved all the blues and greens in it. With a switcheroo of comforters and a nail to hang up the picture above the bed, my bedroom was given a complete makeover and a different look for $4.32.
Please ignore the pile of laundry on the bed, this is the
only picture I could find on my computer for a 'before' shot.
only picture I could find on my computer for a 'before' shot.
I actually had other plans for this picture but for now, this is where it will remain. I am counting down the days until Antique Alley next month when I KNOW I'll find something very interesting to go above my bed. For now however, I've given my bedroom a whole new look for almost close to nothing and it feels good to walk into my "new" bedroom.
Sprucing up a space with little to no money at all is actually a fun challenge. It makes you think outside the box and utilize what you already own! Give it a shot! You just might surprise yourself!
Sprucing up a space with little to no money at all is actually a fun challenge. It makes you think outside the box and utilize what you already own! Give it a shot! You just might surprise yourself!