Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taking Risks

Lately, I've been inspired by two things, deer skulls and gallery walls. Yes, skulls. But don't judge yet. I think you might see what I'm talking about after see you these beautiful rooms.




See? What did I tell you? Changed your mind now? They're quite the conversational pieces.Now my other obsession is gallery walls. I like the eclectic, yet cohesive look it gives to a room.




So where am I going with all of this? Hanging a skull in a room is a huge risk. It can either make a room look interesting, or it can make the room look awkward, and make your guests question, why in the world does this house have a dead animal's skull hanging in it? I decided to take the plunge. That's the great thing with decor. If you don't like it, it's easy to take down, and ta-da, quick fix.
I also decided to create a gallery wall, but on a smaller scale. Brandon's philosophy is less is more. He doesn't like to have too much on the walls, so actually, I was a bit worried he'd see my end product and veto it. I created two little clusters, and while I continue to change it, I'm happy with the end result for now. I'm sure tomorrow I'll take one of the pieces down and replace it with something else. Taking risks in my home is something that I get great joy out of. I know that if I'm not happy with my product, I'm not married to it, and I can start all over. Here are some photographs of my gallery wall and our new addition to the family, Mr. Skeletor.

Say Hello to my little friend!

gallery wall for now...

Our other little friend, the peacock...

Where have you taken risks in your home? If you haven't taken any risks, go for it! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!


  1. Have you seen the unsinkable molly brown on stage?! I got to see it years ago w the original actors/resses in st louis...love it!

    so, what's brandon think of skeletor??? Where'd you find him???

    And, dude, where are you finding your energy?? Send some my way! ;)

  2. Brandon thinks Skeletor is funny and my dad hunted so he has large quantities of animals stuffed as well as skulls! And I'm the mother to only TWO, not four :) The energy has decrease significantly with the addition of Miss Scarlett! I can only imagine what will happen with number three and four! And may I add, that you do book clubs for two children AND send out letter, and help organize parties, etc, etc...!!!
    And number five because there are five in our family including Lionel Richie :)

  3. Oh and I've never seen the broadway show of Unsinkable Molly Brown. I found this beauty at Goodwill and I loved the character it had. The flyer showed that Debbie Reynolds starred in it and I love Debbie Reynolds! That's what I love about GW. You never know what you'll find!

  4. debbie reynolds IS super amazing, huh?! i couldn't figure out if 5 was for l.r. or skeletor. ;)
