Monday, January 23, 2012

To Blog or Not To Blog

I have debated with the idea of starting yet another blog. After a failed attempt of blogging two years ago, I thought now might be a great time to start one. The dynamics of my life have changed. I'm no longer part of a circus act, trying to balance the roles of teacher, mother, and wife. No, I have subtracted the role of teacher and now I'm just juggling the roles of wifey and SAHM (stay at home mom).
Which brings me to the reason of why I ultimately decided to blog. As I mother, I am intrigued and entertained by reading other stories from real life moms. Nothing gives me greater gratification to know that my life, although crazy and chaotic at times, is the norm.
Two years ago when I was a first time momma, I was certain that I'd make mistakes that would impact the well being of my daughter. Questions continued to run through my little head, like would the motrin I gave Penelope before the recommended age make her fall asleep only to have her never wake up (Note to self: read the box prior to giving child medicine!)or would the roll Penelope took off my bed later impact her IQ, and better yet would the beef jerky my husband rubbed across her lips at three months transform her into a CRAZY eating carnivore who would never want to eat any vegetables or fruits? Yes, I know NOW that these were ludicrous and irrational thoughts, but at the time, I didn't know any better!
That's when I caught on to reading mommy blogs and websites dedicated to moms posting various questions, concerns, thoughts and everything in between. In no time at all, I quickly figured out that we, as mothers, want to know that our life fits the mold of normalcy. No I'm not the only mother who has given their child a pack of sweet tarts to keep them quiet in the checkout lane. Actually it occurs quite often!
Even now with my second daughter, who is now four months, I continue to seek advice, answers, and confirmation through others to know that I am not completely crazy or in this alone. By reading blogs posted by moms, I find comfort in knowing that we're all on this journey of motherhood together.I'm not the only momma who has given their child reeces pieces when they were good in the checkout line or given them two packs of fruit snacks back to back so they'd be quiet during Mass. While I may not be the perfect mom, I try my hardest and that's truly all that I can do.
So with this blog, I hope to share my blessings of motherhood, my daily chaoticness, (I realize this is not a word but just go with it) and various recipes and menu ideas. I can't tell you how many times I've come across new delicious recipes that I've found and wanted so desperately to share.
As I come to a close, I share with you a document I created this morning. I wanted something to help me look at the week in a different way. Something that would allow me to be as productive as possible. I used my trusty friend google to search for a document and when I couldn't find just the right one, I decided to create my own word document. I am a list making fool and I get such a sense of accomplishment when I can scratch something off of my list. I'm hoping that this tool will give me just that: a feeling of rush and exhilaration! I know I know, these are the things that get me going, word documents!

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